020 7731-6475 (WBR) / 020 7285-5815 (Fulham Rd) hello@sayrom.com



Loaf of bread

From local beginnings, Bridge Baker is a neighbourhood bakery & food store, with a simple desire to make traditionally prepared bread, cakes and treats with none of the artificial nasties found in supermarket products. Our motto of “think global, eat local” ensures that we produce authentic products from all over the world with everything made from scratch, in-house.





What’s your loaf?

All our bread is super fresh, so can be frozen very successfully.
Most breads can be sliced and frozen in freezer bags.  To use, just toast a slice as needed. Small loaves like focaccia and baguettes can be frozen whole. To eat, defrost in the fridge overnight and then ‘refresh’ in a hot oven (190-200C) for about 10 minutes.

Light Sourdough Large

Light Sourdough

  • A great base for Italian style bruschetta
Sourdough made with all the French traditions with 100% natural starter. Our sourdough slowly ferments for over 24 hours and has an open irregular, slightly sour, nutty texture.

Great fresh or toasted. Contains no commercial yeast. Ideal eaten fresh or toasted after. Makes a great base for Italian style bruschetta or grilling on the BBQ in the summer. Freezes very well.
Dark Sourdough

Dark Sourdough

  • Great Fresh or Toasted
Sourdough made with all the French traditions with 100% natural starter. The Dark Sourdough has 35% rye flour. Our sourdough slowly ferments for over 24 hours and has an open irregular, slightly sour, nutty texture. Great fresh or toasted. Contains no commercial yeast.

This is an excellent alternative for a slightly heartier, higher fibre sourdough as it contains nutritious, wholegrain rye flour
German Multigrain

German Multigrain

  • Ideal with cold meats or toasted
One of our best selling breads. Full of broken grains and seeds (no nuts). Typical German semi dense loaf in a tin shape and coated in oats, sunflower seed, linseed and sesame for extra flavour.

Excellent for hearty sandwiches, served with cold meats, jams or toasted for breakfast. Sliced, it freezes very well.
French Baguette

French Baguette

  • Truly delicious
Our baguettes are slow-fermented and made with traditional French flour, which yields a creamy interior and open irregular crumb. The outside is crusty. Perfect for accompanying soup, or any dish requiring mopping up of juices. Leftover baguettes can be sliced to make excellent crostini.

It’s possible to freeze our baguettes whole. Defrost in fridge and put back into a hot oven (220C) to heat through and crisp for about 10 minutes.


  • Perfect for dipping
Our soft open crumb Ciabatta is great for mopping up sauces for grilled sandwiches, toasted and even on BBQ. Soft on the outside, soft on the inside.

Ideal for dipping in olive oil & balsamic vinegar.
Large Focaccia


  • Topped with sea salt rosemary tomato and olives
Our soft and fluffy individual Focaccia. Super popular and made with different toppings. Ideal for dipping or eating with a glass of wine.

Best eaten fresh, although leftovers make excellent croutons to serve with soup.
Danish Rye

Danish Rye

  • Nutty and Dense
Our 100% Rye Bread made with just Rye flour, water and salt. Suitable for those who are wheat intolerant.

The bread is nutty and dense and even 1 slice is great for keeping hunger pangs at bay.
Gluten Free

Gluten Free

  • Intolerant to Gluten? No need to miss out
Our Gluten free bread is made with wholegrain teff, sorghum, yeast, salt and olive oil. It has no rice, soy, corn, HPMC or any other additives.

Best sliced and frozen a day after it’s made, and eaten toasted straight from the freezer.
Malted Sourdough

Weekly Special Sourdoughs

  • A treat for the weekend
Thursday – Seeded spelt Sourdough –100% sourdough made with Spelt flour & linseed

Fri/Sat – Malted Sourdough (pictured) – 100% sourdough made with a malted grain flour

Sat/Sun – Rustic Sourdough

“My favourite here is the carrot cake and the brioche. The pizza bread is well done and delicate. A must go if you are in the neighbourhood”


“The savoury food and the bakery is excellent and the pastries and cakes too. Everything is freshly made on a daily basis with plenty of vegetarian options.”


“My new favourite bakery. Everything is obviously made from scratch. You can smell the bread being baked down the side street before you get to the store”


Did You Know?

We love to support local (Flour from Essex, Beers from Wimbledon, SW6 Honey from South Park, and our wine supplier lives just down the road). But we do insist on French butter for our pastries. Nothing else produces the right taste and flakiness of pastry.